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What are the benefit of Osteopathy?

Updated: Mar 14

Osteopathy is a method of healthcare that aims to identify and treat restrictions in mobility that can affect the various structures of the human body. It is a comprehensive manual medicine based on the body's ability to self-regulate and self-heal. Any loss of mobility in joints, muscles, ligaments, or organs can lead to an imbalance in health and the onset of pain. Osteopathy prevents and treats numerous physical disorders and also has an impact on the nervous, functional, and psychological levels. It helps individuals responsibly and autonomously manage their "health capital" for better well-being in their daily lives. Therefore, it is both preventive and curative.

Osteopathy as a preventive treatment... As Andrew Taylor Still, founding father of osteopathy, said, "The human body is particularly intelligent, it constantly seeks a way to avoid constraints and pain, it will put in place compensation systems so that comfort within daily is ensured. When the constraints are too strong or too numerous, this creates a favorable environment for the appearance of pain, functional disorders or pathologies." This is why it is important to consult an osteopath 2 to 3 times a year, even if there is no pain, in order to prevent their appearance. During this consultation, several steps will lead the osteopath to determine the best possible treatment: The osteopath carries out a questioning of the patient in order to identify the reason for consultation, understand the characteristics of the pain as well as all the signs associated with it. He evaluates the functioning of the body's different systems (cephalic, ENT, cardiopulmonary, digestive, urinary, etc.) and inquires about the patient's personal and family history. He will also question the patient about his lifestyle habits (food and sports hygiene, postures at work, stress factors, etc.) Osteopathic diagnosis: Using specific palpator

y tests, the osteopath explores the body in search of areas that present movement restrictions likely to alter the state of health. Osteopathic treatment: The treatment is implemented according to the diagnosis carried out beforehand. The osteopath may be required to treat different structures: joint, muscle, ligament, viscera, fascia. He chooses the most suitable and comfortable technique for each patient, depending on their age and morphology and the area of ​​the body to be corrected. Advice: Loss of mobility found during the consultation can have multiple origins: shock, fall, trauma (sprain, fracture), after-effects of pathologies. But the origin is often environmental: repeated movements, ergonomics at work, stress factors, unbalanced diet... Advice will be given by the osteopath in order to have comprehensive care and thus avoid the appearance or recurrence of pain.

… and for acute or chronic pain Osteopathy can take care of a patient from birth until the end of their life, every human being can benefit from osteopathic treatment, whether they are athletic, more sedentary, young or old. Since osteopathy allows the function and mobility of organs and joints to be restored, the indications for osteopathic treatment are very broad:

  • the musculoskeletal system: sprains, tendonitis, lower back pain, back pain, costal pain, neck pain, joint pain, scoliosis, postural imbalance, pubalgia, coccygeal pain, jaw pain, etc.

  • the neurological system: can improve digestions and alleviate symptoms of conditions such as IBS, constipation, reflux.cervico-brachial, intercostal, facial, Arnold neuralgia, cruralgia, sciatica, headaches and migraines, etc.

  • the cardiovascular system: circulatory disorders of the lower limbs, venous congestion, hemorrhoids, palpitations, tightness, etc.

  • the respiratory system: can assist in managing respiratory condition by improving breathing mecanics and reducing muscular tension in teh chest and diaphrgam

  • the digestive system: can improve digestions and alleviate symptoms of conditions such as IBS, constipation, reflux, bloating, hiatal hernia, hepatobiliary disorders, colitis, difficult digestion, etc.

  • the ENT system. and pulmonary: rhinitis, sinusitis, dizziness, buzzing, headaches, migraines, bronchitis, asthma, bronchiolitis, etc.

  • the neuro-vegetative system: can help reduce nervousness, anxiety, stress, sleep disorders and tension in the body, promoting and overall well-being.

  • Rheabilitation after Surgery or injury: Osteopathic treatment can aid in the recovery process after surgery or injury, promoting healing, reducing scar tissue and restoring mobility.

What qualifications does an Osteopath have?

Australian Osteopaths are registered primary allied health professionals who have completed a minimum of five years of training and study at University, holding either a double Bachelors or Masters qualification. The university course involves in-depth study of pathology, physiology, anatomy, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques.

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